First Day of School (Work)

I always remember dreading the first day of school, whether it was elementary, middle school, high school, or university. I loved having a summer break and the days leading up to the first day of the year were not fun for me. It meant new teachers, new classes, new people, challenges and changes. It also meant I couldn’t relax anymore and just enjoy my days, carefree.

I experienced something similar, but not quite as pointed, as my first day of work approached. Work meaning my first day of a normal salaried position in 5+ years. This time around there is no contract and I have no end date (i.e. EndTS = NULL). I’m here for good, unless I switch jobs. I am also being paid to perform and provide value to the organization, so that is in my mind as well. They picked me for a reason.

Today as I went through my first day, I had mild feelings of “this stinks, I don’t have control of my schedule anymore” and “I have to be disciplined and stay on task” especially since I am working remotely. How do you get a sense for the culture of an organization and its people without meeting them in person or being immersed into that environment? It is hard to do, but I guess everyone is in the same boat.

Either way, I feel these are steps in the right direction. It will take me time to get my feet under me, become comfortable, and start being useful. But so far the mission (bring people together to build homes, communities and hope) and values (humility, courage, and accountability) of the organization strongly resonate with me, so that makes me hopeful. The other important part for me is that I enjoy what I do day-to-day, so that is still TBD. But hopefully that will fall into place.

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