I hate cockroaches

Just when you think you can relax you get a nice surprise.  Another cockroach in my living room just chilling on its back waiting for me to spray it and dispose of it.  Who knows how long it was hanging out there, I just noticed it tonight.  But I haven’t looked over in that direction for at least a day or so.  Fun.


Then there are random tiny ants just crawling around my kitchen wherever they please.  There is no open food or crumbs anywhere, yet these ants seem to come from who knows where they come from.

And now bugs in my bedroom.  I kill one, and oh look, there’s his brother.  Brother gone, hey there’s a sister.  I almost reached my breaking point last week when I came home at night and found a big cockroach hanging out in my bathroom ready to put up a fight.

I’m realizing more and more that it is causing me stress.  I almost never get stressed about anything, but I definitely feel stressed because of these things.  I suppose it affects everything else as well, like sleep, mood, etc.  It’s not fun.  I guess it’s a learning experience, but one I’d rather not have.  Building character, appreciating what you have blah blah blah.  Just go away cockroaches.


Why can’t they be fun like this guy?

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